I sincerely apologize for not post to the site for quite some time now. I have been attempting to get a better job with better pay, and have been very preocupied lately. But I will be uploading to the site soon, and I also apologise to anyone who has become dissapointed with my absence as of late.
But anywho: any suggestions anyone has for me just leave a comment, or message me, and it will be done!
Cheers! \m/0w0\m/
that's like every other person on this site, including me! I wanna be posting to this site more often and stuff but I just can't find the time because of real life stuff; jobs, friends, school, money, bleh. But that's okay though, so definitely nothing to stress about, upload whenever you find the time and enjoy yourself ^^
thank you for taking the time to read my post! I appreciate the kindness and respect you show, and and I hope you have a nice day ^u^